magical realism



Palosanto brings you a unique work of art made by the Arhuacos, an indigenous tribe of Colombia that jealousy preserves its cultural traditions, including the weaving trade.

The Arhuacos live in the upper valleys of the Piedras River, San Sebastian River, Chichicua River, Ariguani River, and Guatapuri River, in an indigenous territory in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Mountains.

The Arhuacos are highly spiritual, and their understanding of the world is based upon the idea that the Sierra Nevada is the heart of the universe. Its pieces' colors, materials, and designs tell the magical stories of its rich culture.


Our name, "PALOSANTO," refers to the Palo Santo tree, also known as "sacred wood." The wood of this tree is famous for its intense citrus aroma and energetic properties.

You'll get a sample from this tree in each of our bags. It is our gift to you so you can experience its incredible benefits, which include cleaning the energy of your spaces while generating harmony, peace, and tranquility.

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